RAP Asphalt & Paving Experts

We Get the Job Done Right. Giving You Peace of Mind!

Perfection has no limits!

  • Experienced team

    We have extensive experience and successfully completed projects throughout Saskatchewan.

  • Licensed 

    For your peace of mind

  • Customer First Commitment

    We lead with a positive attitude and commitment to our clients. Our service is quick, prompt, and professional

  • Customer Service

    Our service is quick, prompt, and professional

Services We Provide

Asphalt Paving Regina

Asphalt Paving

Seal Coating Regina

Seal Coating

Asphalt Maintenance Regina

Asphalt Maintenance

Excavating & Grading Regina

Excavating & Grading

Paving Management Regina

Pavement Management

Contact us to specify your next project details right now!

30years on experience
300+satisfied clients


We are always in search of new talents — creative and motivated individuals eager to become part of our team. We offer a diverse range of career opportunities.All crew members are experienced and follow stringent safety programs.

Regina Paving Contractors on Site

Proud Associations

Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business
Metis Nation Logo
Regina & District Chamber of Commerce Logo
Regina & District Chamber of Commerce Logo

Contact Us

Please complete the form if you have a project in mind, questions to our team of paving experts, or any other inquiries.

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